We deliver locally to CR0, CR2, CR3, CR4, CR6, CR7, CR8, BR1, BR2, BR3, BR4, BR7, TN16, SE25, and more for a small charge.

To hire from us you will need
a Deposit (see below)
and 2 forms of I.D (see below)

For regular customers credit
accounts can be arranged.

Deposits I.D
Deposits can be paid by Credit (or Debit) Card

Cash (pictures of the queen) Sorry, we no longer accept cheques. Deposits are often £50 or £100 but can be more on some equipment
I.D should be Two forms of official documents (with your name and address on)

Any of the following will do:
Driving Licence, Utility Bill, Bank Statements
NOT A PASSPORT- as this does not have your address on it